Zazenkai (Group sitting) Reservations:
- Please make reservations for group zazenkai ("Zazenkai with Matsumoto-san" or "Weekly Zazenkai") below.
- Please reserve more than a day in advance. Reservations are turned off 24 hours prior to start.
- If you need to cancel, please do so in a timely manner.
- Click here for details on zazenkai.
- Participation fee is 4,000 yen (approx $30US) for the 4-hour zazenkai with Matsumoto-san. This includes interpretation and Q&A. Dokusan (one-on-one Q&A) is also possible.
- If this is too expensive for your income level, let us know, and we will adjust accordingly. No one is turned away due to lack of funds.
- Wednesday evening zazenkai are free.
- We cannot refund no-shows or cancellations made after the zazenkai begins.
Private Sessions:
- To reserve a private session, please use the contact form page. Make sure to read the information on the private sessions page first.
- Private session fee: 10 minutes intervals @2,000 yen (approx $15USD).