If you have pressing questions that require more one-on-one time than group zazenkai allow, or if you are not able to attend group zazenkai, feel free to contact us for private instruction. Madoka will provide English-Japanese interpretation.
Private sessions can be in addition to or in place of group zazenkai.
- A session can be from 10 minutes to 120 minutes in length, depending on your needs.
- If it is your first time with Jisho (even if you have studied Zen elsewhere), we recommend a 120 minute session, which would include explanation with Q&A and actual zazen (sitting) practice.
- Sessions will be conducted online using Zoom (a free online application).
- The main aim of private sessions is to enable you to sit correctly (zazen), so that you can sit on your own.
- First session (120 min) might be like this:
- explanation of Truth/satori and how to sit (zazen), and Q&A (60 min)
- zazen (20 min)
- checking and correcting how you are sitting, and Q&A (10 min)
- zazen (20 min)
- checking and correcting how you are sitting, and Q&A (10 min)
- There is no pre-determined curriculum for the session, so it can be adjusted to your needs and what you wish to cover.
- FEE:
- Fees are in 10-minute increments. Each 10-minute increment is 2,000 yen (approximately $19US). Both instruction and interpreter fees are included.
- 30 minutes: 6,000 yen
- 60 minutes: 12,000 yen
- 90 minutes: 18,000 yen
- 120 minutes: 24,000 yen
- Fees are in 10-minute increments. Each 10-minute increment is 2,000 yen (approximately $19US). Both instruction and interpreter fees are included.
If the above fee is too high in proportion to your income, please let us know and we can adjust accordingly.
(Group online zazenkai are more affordable and one-on-one questions are also possible there.)
Please use the contact form to contact us and request a reservation. Include three times that are possible for you between 10am and 10pm Japan Standard Time. Private sessions requires coordinating both Jisho and Madoka's schedules.
- Please pay after the session is over in case there is a change in the length of the appointment. We will send you a payment link after the appointment.
- Payment can be made by PayPal or credit card.